NEW COOLANT STANDARDS FOR CONDENSING UNITS You are facing a change in technology standards and want to concretely understand the impact on your products? We identify the alternative technologies and determine the technological opportunities and risks for your...
SuBSTITUTION RISK FOR cArrIER BELTS You want to understand the business risk coming from the latest product concepts? We identify the potential substitution concepts and determine the substitution risk for your products. STATUS QUO Our customer: Trading company for...
Design of a RF Switch Connector for Safety-critical Handheld Devices You are facing the challenge of developing a customer-specific product? We carry out the concept analysis and deliver all data and facts for a fast and successful design. STATUS QUO Our customer:...
Sensor functionalities for an industrial connector You want to increase the differentiation potential of your products by integrating additional functionalities? We identify high-potential functionalities and define the full product concept for you. STATUS QUO Our...
APPLICATIONS FOR BROACHING, ACROSS INDUSTRY SECTORS You want to develop new business fields? We find the perfect applications for your manufacturing competencies and support the implementation with Data and Facts. STATUS QUO Our customer: Broaching machine...