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Sensor functionalities for an industrial connector

You want to increase the differentiation potential of your products by integrating additional functionalities? We identify high-potential functionalities and define the full product concept for you.


Our customer:

  • Industrial connectors manufacturer
  • Wants to develop a IoT-product with high added value for the Industry 4.0 -> business potential through functional differentiation


mine&make can identify the applications and the potential additional functionalities for any technical components. Based on this, it defines concrete product ideas that are assessed according their market potential. Functional product concepts are then defined and summarized in fact sheets. These fact sheets are fundamental documents to discuss the new product concepts with the potential customers and to develop the products.

Engagement model: bespoke project


  • +30 potential additional functionalities
  • +20 product ideas
  • detailed Fact Sheets for 3 high-potential product concepts

The final product (SmartMod) is an industrial connector with integrated sensor and communications capabiliities als enabler for Condition Monitoring and Predicitive Maintenance in the Industry 4.0. It is now in production and has opened new business perspectives for its provider.

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