Business Intelligence with the help of AI

The potential of megatrends for suppliers to the metal and electrical industry

  • Targeted for your products and technologies
  • No own resources necessary
  • Fast, cost-efficient and data-based

Cross-industry growth

Open up new sales markets and exploit previously undiscovered potential.

Expand market position

Become the industry leader with unique product concepts.

Minimize business risk

Make reliable decisions based on valid data and facts.



You identify new business areas for your products and technologies – new sales markets and new products.



You will receive an implementation concept with the aim of working with us to create successful products for your company.

Previous products and technologies

Our customers - suppliers to the metal and electrical industry

  • Manufacturer catalog products
  • Manufacturer of customized products
  • Manufacturer of production machines
  • Contract manufacturer

Customer satisfaction

alt="Customer reviews & experiences with mine&make. Show more info." style="border:0; width:300px; height:auto;" />

Known from:

Market potential and business risk

What influence do the megatrends have on your products and competencies?

Megatrends are changing industries at a rapid pace. Increased competition and changing customer needs require continuous adaptation. Companies must align their products and expertise with the following developments in order to remain competitive in the long term and exploit new market potential.

New and outdated markets

Many companies are experiencing declining sales in the existing market. Is your sector still fit for the future?

New requirements and new standards

Do your products meet future requirements? What do new standards mean for your company?

New technologies

The megatrends have established themselves as technology drivers and are forcing companies to adapt their offerings.

New substitution risks

Existing products are replaced in order to meet new market requirements, increase efficiency and boost profitability.

Your future – Our solutions

Achieve your goals faster & more efficiently with AI-supported growth strategies

Catalog products

Find the perfect sales markets for your products, in the sector of your choice or across industries.

Your goals
  • Development of new sales markets
  • Compensation for declining demand
  • Diversification to spread risk

Customized products

Identify potential applications for your products and obtain all relevant market information.

Your goals
  • Development of new sales markets
  • Compensation for declining demand
  • Diversification to spread risk

Manufacturing technologies

Find the perfect sales markets for your technology, in the sector of your choice or across industries.

Your goals
  • Development of new sales markets
  • Compensation for declining demand
  • Diversification to spread risk

Product strategy

Get a fact-based product strategy to continuously grow and reach your goals faster.

Your goals
  • Development of new sales markets
  • Compensation for declining demand
  • Diversification to spread risk

Overall concept

Get an overall concept for a unique & innovative product based on your skills and resources.

Your goals
  • Sales growth
  • Fulfillment of new product requirements
  • Operation of new applications

Profit center

Fully exploit the potential of your specialized manufacturing or testing technology and maximize your profits.

Your goals
  • Prompt return on investments
  • Utilization of production capacity
  • Development of new sales markets

Business Development 5.0

Use the methods of large corporations specifically for your company

By using our AI-based insights engine, you can uncover new business opportunities in a targeted manner and thus leverage your existing products and expertise for new markets.
This innovative solution enables you for the first time to utilize global engineering know-how specifically for your products and production technologies.

„Very innovative! A completely new product field has emerged.“

Dr. Tim Nikolaou

CEO, cb Christian Bauer GmbH + Co KG

Your path to success

Project workflow: An efficient process that gives you a clear market advantage


  • Focus: Your product features & competitive advantages

All you need here is a little information about your products and expertise, which can be clarified in a phone call without taking up too much time.


  • Focus: Your company

We adopt the strategy, competencies and products and define the input data for the AI-supported analysis.


  • Focus: Your products & competencies

You gain new business opportunities for your products and technical expertise, worldwide and across industries.


  • Focus: Your strengths & resources

You will receive an implementation concept and are accompanied by us during implementation. You benefit from specialized resources, data and facts.


  • Focus: Your corporate goals

You achieve your business goals faster and more cost-efficiently. By making decisions based on reliable data, you minimize your business risk in the long term.

Your business development has never been so easy

Use the megatrends for your products and expertise now

AI technology for effective research

Shorten your time-to-market with our specially developed insights engine

1. inputs

You contribute your knowledge of the functionalities and properties of your products and technologies. This input forms the basis for the targeted development of new business opportunities and the successful implementation of your ideas.

2. mine&make AI

Our AI makes the complex data landscape manageable. You receive precise and data-based insights that provide you with all the relevant information for well-founded decisions and efficient implementation.

3. your mine&make portal

You get access to an exclusive portal with all the relevant data and facts for successful business development. Everything is ready to use, user-friendly and centrally available for rapid implementation.

You get results from an average of...

  • worldwide and across industries
  • Targeted for your products & competencies
  • 161 patents
  • 362 public industry publications
  • 653 scientific publications
  • 850 Norms & standards

Why mine&make?

A head start that gives you a unique competitive edge


Accelerate your decisions

Thanks to our AI-supported processes, you receive results in record time. You save valuable time on market research and can implement your strategies faster.


Minimize your expenses

Our solutions are significantly more affordable than traditional strategy consulting – while at the same time increasing efficiency. Use your budget smarter.

Independent of resources

Your focus on the essentials

Your internal resources remain free for core tasks. We take care of all the analysis work while you concentrate on your day-to-day business.


Suitable for any size of company

Whether you are a small or medium-sized company or a large corporation – our solutions adapt perfectly to your individual requirements.


Global insights specifically for your company

We combine your company’s expertise with global knowledge, tailored to your products and skills. This allows you to maximize your opportunities and minimize risks.


Make objective decisions

Create clear facts. Our assessments of technical and economic requirements enable you to secure market potential at an early stage and make sound, reliable decisions.

Created sales potential

new product concepts

Sales markets found for technical products

Sales markets found for manufacturing technologies

Get results that secure your future

Extract from our case studies

Success stories of leading industrial companies

+30 new applications in over 12 different industrial sectors

<li style=""text-align:" left="">Successful development of the hydrogen sector</li>
<li style=""text-align:" left="">New customers acquired in the automotive sector</li>

+€ 5 million annual sales potential in medical technology

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<li style=""text-align:" left=""><span>+70 applications incl. application-specific requirements for the test adapters </span></li>
<li style=""text-align:" left=""><span>+230 potential customers</span></li>

Development of an innovative product concept

<li style=""text-align:" left="">Product launch November 2023</li>
<li style=""text-align:" left="">Reduction of time-to-market by more than 25%</li>

Our focus: satisfied customers

"We have now been able to gain a foothold in the hydrogen sector thanks to these new applications!"

Dr. Tim Nikolaou

CEO, cb Christian Bauer GmbH + Co KG


Innovative development project

„As a result of the good cooperation, a development project for an innovative RF switch connector is being created.“


Verified rating on Proven Experts


New market potential in the manufacturing sector

„Extremely satisfactory customer service and good expert advice on strategic fields of action in the area of production.“


Verified rating on Proven Experts


Great results and customer service

„mine&make is very competent and goal-oriented. Peter and his colleagues guide you through the process in a targeted manner and work in a very results-oriented way.


Verified rating on Proven Experts

Your next steps

How can you work with us?


Arrange a free appointment

Request a non-binding consultation via our website. We will check whether you meet all the requirements for working with us.


Telephone call

One of our experts will contact you by telephone on the desired date. They will analyze your current situation and work with you to define your desired goals.


Strategy meeting

Based on your input, you will receive a customized, data-based strategy that is specifically tailored to your company and your growth targets.

mine&make in the press

Renowned media and specialist magazines report on our methodology

Your contact persons

Individual advice from experienced experts in the field

Founder & CEO

Gauthier Boisdequin

Gauthier is the founder and CEO of mine&make

With his strong technical background and experience in product innovation, he helps his customers realize the full potential of their products every day.

Winner of the Porsche Innovation Award 2015

This award is presented for significant and exceptional contributions to innovation and technological progress in the automotive industry.

Over 15 years of practical experience

As a division manager at Porsche, he played a key role in shaping technological development and successfully established innovative methods and strategies.

Technology expert with an entrepreneurial spirit

His Master’s degree in mechanical engineering (RWTH Aachen) and his MBA (University of Cambridge) underline his sound technical understanding and his ability to put innovative solutions into practice.


Peter Peetz

Peter was initially a customer of mine&make himself

After realizing the massive potential from his own experience, he decided to work with mine&make. With his extensive experience from different industries, Peter is a crucial partner for the strategy development of our clients.

Ex. CEO of a medium-sized company

Peter was CEO of an internationally active medium-sized industrial company in the electronics sector for a long time.

Expert in the sale of technical products

With a background as a graduate engineer in precision engineering, combined with degrees in innovation management and lean management, his expertise ranges from product development to the sale of technical products.

Your contact persons

Individual advice from experienced experts in the field

Founder & CEO

Gauthier Boisdequin

Founder and CEO of mine&make

With his strong technical background and experience in product innovation, he helps his customers realize the full potential of their products every day.

Winner of the Porsche Innovation Award 2015

This award is presented for significant and exceptional contributions to innovation and technological progress in the automotive industry.

Over 15 years of practical experience

As a division manager at Porsche, he played a key role in shaping technological development and successfully established innovative methods and strategies.

Technology expert with an entrepreneurial spirit

His Master’s degree in mechanical engineering (RWTH Aachen) and his MBA (University of Cambridge) underline his sound technical understanding and his ability to put innovative solutions into practice.


Peter Peetz

Peter was initially a customer of mine&make himself

After realizing the massive potential from his own experience, he decided to work with mine&make. With his extensive experience from different industries, Peter is a crucial partner for the strategy development of our clients.

Ex. CEO of a medium-sized company

Peter was CEO of an internationally active medium-sized industrial company in the electronics sector for a long time.

Expert in the sale of technical products

With a background as a graduate engineer in precision engineering, combined with degrees in innovation management and lean management, his expertise ranges from product development to the sale of technical products.

Opportunities and risks

How future-proof are your products and technologies?

  • Evaluate the future viability of your products and competencies
  • Developed on the basis of scientific studies
  • Concentrated know-how from many years of industrial experience

Free Report 2024

Exclusive guide for systematic market development

  • Our AI-based approach in practice
  • Systematically finding new sales markets
  • Minimize business risk with data-based decisions
  • Regardless of the sector


Would you like to receive the latest market developments directly in your mailbox?

  • Influence of megatrends on suppliers to the metal and electrical industry
  • Opportunities and risks of new technologies
  • Insights into AI-supported business development


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros. Quisque aliquet velit sit amet sem interdum faucibus. In feugiat aliquet mollis. Etiam tincidunt ligula ut hendrerit semper. Quisque luctus lectus non turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet, pharetra non ex. Fusce vel egestas nisl.
Donec sed finibus nisi?
Curabitur non bibendum ligula. In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra elit. Fusce ut mauris quam. Quisque lacinia quam eu commodo mollis. Praesent nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus. Morbi ac feugiat ante.
Quisque aliquet velit sit amet?
Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.
Morbi tortor nibh fringilla?
Vivamus id gravida mi, nec ullamcorper purus. Suspendisse ut nibh sagittis lacus viverra aliquam. Praesent ac lobortis mauris, non imperdiet quam. Praesent laoreet elit nisi, id feugiat ante accumsan sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.
Curabitur non bibendum ligula?
Curabitur fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat. Duis ut hendrerit tellus, elementum lacinia elit. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales. In bibendum odio urna, sit amet fermentum purus venenatis amet.

The future begins today

Get the most out of your products and technologies now - we can help you.